Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

- AKA: Tailor James
- ICGID: TJ-8012
- Born: July 1980
- Birthplace:
- First Seen: 2003
- Last Seen: 2010
- Measurements: 34C-24-34 / ~86-61-86
- Body Type:
- Height: 160 cm, 5 ft 3 in
- Piercings:
- Hair Colour: Fair
- Ethnicity:
- Breasts: Medium (Real)
- Official Site:
- Interviews:
- Social Media:
- Tattoos:
- Agencies:
- Appears with: Colleen Marie (x5), Hiromi Oshima (x4), Breann McGregor (x4), April Ireland (x3), Kimberly Holland (x3), Janine Habeck (x3), Amanda Hope (x3), Raquel Gibson (x3), Jessica Lee (x3), Carmella DeCesare (x3), Lani Todd (x3), Amy Guy (x3), Marketa Janska (x3), Alana Bailey (x3), Pennelope Jimenez (x2), Jodi Ann Paterson (x2), Annie Bronson (x2), Anne-Marie Fox (x2), Irina Voronina (x2), Amanda Duncan (x2), Aubrie Lemon (x2), Jennifer Walcott (x2), Tamara Witmer (x2), Alison Foran (x2), Charis Boyle (x2), Audra Lynn (x2), Teri Marie Harrison (x2), Debra Ling (x2), Lindsey Vuolo (x2), Amy Sue Cooper (x2), Divini Rae (x2), Beth Williams (x2), Crystal Beddows (x2), Andrea Marin (x2), Petra Verkaik (x2), Brittney Cox (x2), Laura Lyons (x2), Iga A (x2), Luci Victoria (x2), Danielle B (x2), Katia Corriveau (x2), Alison Waite (x1), Aliya Wolf (x1), Amber Campisi (x1), Amy Miller (x1), Buffy Tyler (x1), Brandie Moses (x1), Lindy Foxx (x1), Devin Devasquez (x1), Krista Kelly (x1), Laurie Jo Fetter (x1), Layla Harvest Roberts (x1), Anna Marie Goddard (x1), Danielle Gamba (x1), Tiffany Toth (x1), Carolee Bass (x1), Anna Lynn Cruz (x1), Tiffany Taylor (x1), Sara Jean Underwood (x1), Nicole Narain (x1), Nicole Voss (x1), Michele Rogers (x1), Malene Espensen (x1), Lauren Michelle Hill (x1), Katie Lohmann (x1), Courtney Rachel Culkin (x1), Qiana Chase (x1), Morena Corwin (x1), Sandra Hubby (x1), Stephanie Heinrich (x1), Cara Zavaleta (x1), Heather Rene Smith (x1), Pilar Lastra (x1), Alexis Curtis Wilson (x1), Stephanie Glasson (x1), Arlene Baxter (x1), Ashley Allen (x1), Ashley Charlton (x1), Ashley Englich (x1), Ashley Puida (x1), Becky DelosSantos (x1), Bonnie Marino (x1), Brandy Canada (x1), Brandy Grace (x1), Brandy Ritchey (x1), Brianne Blessing (x1), Brittany Taylor (x1), Cady Cantrell (x1), Angela Melini (x1), Carrie A. Taylor (x1), Cher Butler (x1), Cheree Lynn Prochnow (x1), Chris Cranston (x1), Christina Linehan (x1), Connie Brighton (x1), Cristy Thom (x1), Elle Patille (x1), Lana Tailor (x1), Melody Pressley (x1), Nadine Glenn (x1), Shelly Marie (x1), Emily Damiano (x1), Charlotte Lambert (x1), Rebecca Ramos (x1), Angela Little (x1), Amy Currie (x1), Nicole Marie Lenz (x1), The Teles Twins (x1), Elke Jeinsen (x1), Donna Perry (x1), Aimee Marie (x1), Ava Fabian (x1), Amber Elise (x1), Brittany Fuchs (x1), Cidney Carson (x1), Corin Riggs (x1), Cristal Houston (x1), Jennifer Kali (x1), Amy Robinson (x1), Brittany Sylvanowicz (x1), Bianca Beauchamp (x1), Alana Soares (x1), Anika Knudsen (x1), Alley Baggett (x1), Amanda Quagliata (x1), Amy Warner (x1), Bebe Buell (x1), Tammy Plante (x1), Alicia Rickter (x1), Amanda Batt (x1), Amber Mross (x1), Ambra Jones (x1), Candy Loving (x1), Barbara Moore (x1)
- Activities: Glamour
- Tags: Canada , fair hair , medium natural breasts
- Favourite of: 19 members Praises from members:
- Page Credits: Midwest Davey , PaCo ,
- Appears in Categories: Blondes, Medium Boobs, Natural Breasts
Most Popular Tailor James Galleries
PLAYBOY PLUS biography:
Tailor James is a real Playboy success story. Born in Mississauga, a small town in Ontario, Canada, blonde-haired Tailor burst onto the Playboy scene as a Cybergirl, becoming Cybergirl of the Month in January 2002. “My roommate was a Cybergirl, and she brought my photos to her shoot,” says Tailor. “Most of my baby pictures are of me running around nude in my backyard. I guess things haven’t changed!” Less than a year later, Tailor turned up as our Miss June 2003, and since then, she’s made the rounds as an international model and entrepreneur, with a recent appearance in the French edition of FHM. “I’ve studied everything from marketing to image consulting,” she says. “I’m more interested in my career than the club scene.” Tailor would much rather be the boss – making good on a goal stated in her original Playmate File, she launched Hollywood Curves, a line of lingerie and shapewear, and she’s well on her way to becoming the next Victoria’s Secret. “I’d like to have a family and a rewarding career, but as long as I’m healthy and happy, that’s all that matters,” she states confidently. “I love life and I don’t get bored easily!” We could never get bored of the gorgeous Miss James.
THENUDE biography:
As far as we know she began her nude modeling career in 2003. Tailor James has 45 covers, 45 photosets to her name.She's know as: Tailor James and has modeled for these premium nude girl sites: PLAYBOY PLUS, MYSTIQUE-MAG, TWISTYS, BLUEFANTASIES, HOTMOVIES.
It seems she retired in 2010.
Web Links
- MYSTIQUE-MAG (Tailor James)
- PLAYBOY PLUS (Tailor James)
Other Links
Tailor James Covers
19 September 2010
Tailor James & Tiffany Taylor & Kimberly Holland & Tamara Witmer & Alison Waite
as Alison Waite & Kimberly Holland & Tailor James & Tamara Witmer & Tiffany Taylor
in "More Features - Sinfully Sexy Centerfolds"
31 July 2010
Tailor James & Nadine Glenn
as Nadine Glenn & Tailor James
in "Girls with Girls 02"
19 July 2010
Divini Rae & Tailor James & Lindsey Vuolo & Irina Voronina & Lani Todd & Pennelope Jimenez & Colleen Marie
as Colleen Marie & Divini Rae & Irina Voronina & Lani Todd & Lindsey Vuolo & Pennelope Jimenez & Tailor James
in "More Features - Playmates in Bed December 2004"
1 February 2010
Petra Verkaik & Iga A & Brandie Moses & Tailor James & Sara Jean Underwood & Nicole Voss & Janine Habeck & Raquel Gibson & Hiromi Oshima & Lani Todd & Colleen Marie & Alley Baggett & Angela Little
as Alley Baggett & Angela Little & Brandie Moses & Brittany Marie & Bryleigh Rayne & Carolee Bass & Clare Elizabeth & Colleen Marie & Eryn Ashwyn & Heidi Mark & Hiromi Oshima & Iga Wyrwal & Jade Regier &
in "Daily Double - February 2010"
1 September 2009
Tailor James & Danielle B & Beth Williams & Janine Habeck & Raquel Gibson & Hiromi Oshima & Colleen Marie & Breann McGregor & Amanda Duncan & Alana Bailey & Corin Riggs & Amy Guy & Ashley Englich
as Alana Bailey & Amanda Duncan & Amy Guy & Anna Lynn & Ashley Englich & Ashly Dieter & Beth Williams & Breann McGregor & Brittany Carmona & Casey Williams & Colleen Marie & Corin Riggs & Heather Christe
in "Daily Double - September 2009"
1 August 2009
Tailor James & Danielle B & Beth Williams & Janine Habeck & Raquel Gibson & Hiromi Oshima & Colleen Marie & Breann McGregor & Amanda Duncan & Aimee Marie & Alana Bailey & Amy Guy & April Ireland
as Aimee Marie & Alana Bailey & Amanda Duncan & Amy Guy & Anna Lynn & April Ireland & Ashley Englich & Ashly Dieter & Beth Williams & Breann McGregor & Brittany Carmona & Casey Williams & Colleen Marie &
in "Daily Double - August 2009"
14 July 2008
Iga A & Tailor James & Malene Espensen & Kimberly Holland & Breann McGregor & Cristal Houston & Jennifer Kali & Lana Tailor & Melody Pressley & Emily Damiano
as Breann McGregor & Cristal Houston & Emily Damiano & Iga Wyrwal & Jennifer Kali & Kimberly Holland & Lana Tailor & Malene Espensen & Melody Pressley & Tailor James
in "More Features - Big Boobs & Hot Buns 2008"
1 March 2008
Jessica Lee & Tailor James & Morena Corwin & Katie Lohmann & Lindsey Vuolo & Carmella DeCesare & Courtney Rachel Culkin & Qiana Chase & Tamara Witmer & Hiromi Oshima & Aliya Wolf & Pilar Lastra & Laura Lyons
as Alex Chanler & Alison Foran & Aliya Wolf & Amy Currie & Amy Sue Cooper & Bebe Buell & Cady Cantrell & Candace Collins & Carmella DeCesare & Carol O'Neal & Cassandra Linn & Celine Lee & Charlotte Kemp
in "Daily Double - Mars 2008"
1 August 2007
Tailor James & Anna Lynn Cruz & Kimberly Holland & Amber Campisi & Alana Bailey & Amber Elise & Brittany Fuchs & Brittany Sylvanowicz & Bianca Beauchamp & Amanda Quagliata & Amanda Batt & Amy Guy & April Ireland
as Alana Bailey & Amanda Batt & Amanda Quagliata & Amber Campisi & Amber Elise & Amy Guy & Anna Lynn & April Ireland & Bianca Beauchamp & Brittany Fuchs & Brittany Sylvanowicz & Brooke Windatt & Bryleigh
in "Daily Double - August 2007"
1 July 2007
Tailor James & Tiffany Toth & Cara Zavaleta & Jennifer Walcott & Nicole Marie Lenz & Amy Sue Cooper & Alison Foran & Amanda Hope & Amber Mross & Amy Currie & Brittney Cox & Laura Lyons
as Alison Foran & Amanda Hope & Amber Mross & Amy Currie & Amy Sue Cooper & Brittney Cox & Cara Zavaleta & Cathi O'Malley & Celine Lee & Charlotte Kemp & Chrissy Nicole Herbert & Christi Nicole Taylor &
in "Daily Double - July 2007"
1 May 2007
Petra Verkaik & Amy Miller & Andrea Marin & Tailor James & Carmella DeCesare & Alison Foran & Anika Knudsen & Amy Warner & Amanda Hope & Amy Robinson & Anne-Marie Fox & Annie Bronson & Ashley Charlton
as Alison Foran & Amanda Hope & Amy Miller & Amy Robinson & Amy Warner & Andrea Marin & Anika Knudsen & Anne-Marie Fox & Annie Bronson & Ashley Charlton & Ashley Engli & Barbara Hillary & Bonnie Marino &
in "Daily Double - May 2007"
1 March 2007
Barbara Moore & Tailor James & Teri Marie Harrison & Ava Fabian & Cidney Carson & Aubrie Lemon & Ambra Jones & Annie Bronson & Bonnie Marino & Brandy Grace & Brianne Blessing & Brittney Cox & Chris Cranston
as Ambra Jones & Annie Bronson & Aubrie Lemon & Ava Fabian & Barbara Moore & Bonnie Marino & Brandy Grace & Brianne Blessing & Brittney Cox & Chris Cranston & Christi Nicole Taylor & Cidney Carson & Cind
in "Daily Double - March 2007"
1 February 2007
Layla Harvest Roberts & Tailor James & Irina Voronina & Heather Rene Smith & Breann McGregor & Debra Ling & April Ireland & Ashley Puida & Brittany Taylor & Charlotte Lambert & Christina Linehan & Alexis Curtis Wilson
as Alexis Curtis Wilson & Angelica Fernandez & April Ireland & Ashley Puida & Breann McGregor & Brittany Taylor & Charlotte Lambert & Christina Linehan & Clarissa Ali & Corrie Marshall & Debra Ling & Eli
in "Daily Double - February 2007"
1 November 2006
Devin Devasquez & Crystal Beddows & Jessica Lee & Tailor James & Buffy Tyler & Amy Sue Cooper & Alana Soares & Bebe Buell & Anne-Marie Fox & Becky DelosSantos & Cady Cantrell & Carrie A. Taylor
as Alana Soares & Amy Sue Cooper & Anne-Marie Fox & Bebe Buell & Becky DelosSantos & Buffy Tyler & Cady Cantrell & Carrie A. Taylor & Chrissy Nicole Herbert & Crystal Beddows & Crystal Lee & Danielle Gam
in "Daily Double - November 2006"
1 May 2005
Donna Perry & Luci Victoria & Andrea Marin & Danielle Gamba & Crystal Beddows & Carolee Bass & Tailor James & Stephanie Heinrich & Jodi Ann Paterson & Marketa Janska & Aubrie Lemon & Candy Loving & Ashley Allen
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in "Daily Double - May 2005"
1 March 2005
Lindy Foxx & Anna Marie Goddard & Jessica Lee & Tailor James & Nicole Narain & Lauren Michelle Hill & Teri Marie Harrison & Jennifer Walcott & Jodi Ann Paterson & Marketa Janska & Michele Rogers & Elke Jeinsen & Alicia Rickter & Amanda Hope & Angela Melini & Arlene Baxter & Brandy Canada & Brandy Ritchey & Cher Butler & Cheree Lynn Prochnow & Connie Brighton & Cristy Thom
as Alicia Rickter & Amanda Hope & Angela Melini & Anna-Marie Goddard & Arlene Baxter & Brandy Canada & Brandy Ritchey & Brianne Bailey & Cher Butler & Cheree Lynn Prochnow & Connie Brighton & Cristy Thom
in "Daily Double - March 2005"
1 June 2003
Tailor James
as Tailor James
in "Miss June"
20 images
1 June 2003
Tailor James
as Tailor James
in "Miss June"
31 images
1 June 2003
Tailor James
as Tailor James
in "Miss June"
25 images
1 June 2003
Tailor James
as Tailor James
in "Miss June"
25 images
1 June 2003
Tailor James
as Tailor James
in "Miss June"
20 images
31 May 2003
Tailor James
as Tailor James
in "Playmate Exclusives June 2003 - Tailor James"
31 May 2003
Tailor James
as Tailor James
in "Playmate of the Month June 2003 - Tailor James"
19 January 2003
Luci Victoria & Divini Rae & Tailor James & Carmella DeCesare & Charis Boyle & Pennelope Jimenez & Audra Lynn & Colleen Marie & Laurie Jo Fetter & Marketa Janska & Rebecca Ramos & The Teles Twins
as Audra Lynn & Carmella DeCesare & Charis Boyle & Colleen Marie & Divini Rae & Laurie Jo Fetter & Luci Victoria & Marketa Janska & Pennelope Jimenez & Rebecca Ramos & Tailor James & The Teles Twins
in "Playmate Review 2003 - Features"
Tailor James Galleries
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